Locating Post Tension Naples, Florida
Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, LLC. (GPRS) was contacted by a contractor in order to locate post-tension (PT) cables and other anomalies in Naples, Florida. The company needed to core-drill a 4" hole through the floor inside of the white cabinets (shown below) to run cables to the condo unit below. The company contacted GPRS of Tampa, Florida in order to know where PT cables and other anomalies were running through the concrete.
Justin Rasanow of GPRS was contacted in order to perform the survey at this location. Using our 1600MHz antenna radar equipment, we were able to map PT cables and other anomalies on the surface using blue tape in order not to leave permanent marks on the marble floors. The contractor was pleased with our results and changed his plans in order to avoid potentially hitting a PT cable.
Below is a photo taken on-site which depicts our surface mapping of PT cables which were located within the concrete. Also, unknown anomalies were running at 45 degree angles in the concrete. In all, there were three unknown anomalies as well as three strands of PT cables.